Sunday, March 30, 2014

Learning Love

Hey y'all! Recently I began the book "God Girl" by Hayley DiMarco. In her book, she emphasizes about love. She explains that love is a word that has been overused and abused by our society. To us, love is a flexible emotion that comes and goes like the wind. But she puts her hand up to that belief. She reminds us of God's commandment "to love one another". If you stop and think about it, you realize that God uses the word "love" as an action verb there. God is using the word love to describe actions of believes to one another and to everyone around them. Mrs. DiMarco also notes that God's love is not our love. God's love never changes. It doesn't increase or decrease depending on His mood or what actions we've done that day. God has constant love. In fact, God is love. If you will open your bible to 1 John 4:8, you will read, "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."
So if God is love, therefore if we show love, we show God! How awesome is that? So remember, go throughout your day showing love to everyone! 

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